Construction photography and video
from the air or from the ground
unrivaled 100 mega pixel sharpness
+ 4k RAW Video
Inspire Group provides Commercial Photography and Video services. We use standard cameras like Canon and Panasonic but we also utilise specialist cameras when required ie technical cameras with movements utilising large digital backs which create the sharpest highest resolution files. Our Hasselblad and Cambo cameras incorporate a 100-megapixel back, this system produces HUGE pin-sharp 277 mb files. This equipment is primarily used in architecture as it corrects distortion like converging verticals . This camera system not only offers the sharpest high-end enlargements but 4k raw video.
The Inspire Group is a multi-faceted business offering a nationwide service providing a complete Photography and Filming service including Time-Lapse, aerial and drone solutions. John also works regularly with drones for live broadcast TV usually covering sport events and lifestyle programmes. He is licensed with the Irish Aviation Authority ( IAA) to fly large and standard drones.
Commercial photography and creative video production.
He doesn’t go anywhere without a camera be that Irish scenic mountain walks or the wilds of Africa.
His philosophy is: You got to love what you do to be good and secondly you need standards and push yourself every single time to get the best you can
John Daly also offers an architectural photography service using drones for aerial photography and video. Drone photography from these units fitted with professional cameras offer amazing quality up to 4K- perfect for hotels, property sales, drone images offer amazing vistas at an affordable price.
John offers a complete package as a hotel photographer, for when drone video is combined with footage created from walk through video ie film created with a stabilised camera you end up with an amazing virtual tour. Walk -through virtual tour videos are perfect for any business but when combined with a aerial footage, a selection of interior images and of course some food shots – Wow ! now you have a promotional tool.
Contact johndalyphoto@gmail.com or ring 087 256 0149